Well, our trout hunt went OK with 4 in the net ranging between 15.5 and 25.75 but the craziest catch of the day happened as I was casting (in the wind and hard rain) towards shore while a duck was flying by at Mach 5. As luck would have it, the lure was a direct hit and got stuck under its wing......the 40 mph speeding duck was stopped immediately and hit the water. I gently reeled it in from about 25 yards so Ross and Lenny could perform shoulder surgery. After 5 minutes and a very calm demeanor by the duck, all parties survived. No blood at all. The duck flew away immediately. (Believe it or not, this was the 5th time catching winged animals. 2 duck, 2 bats and 1 goose. The goose hit a Bomber Long A Mag back in 1995 and was my first airborne experience.).

Today’s musky hunt really sucked. It sucked so bad we quit after 4 hours. Wind howling and sleet flying around. The river temp has dropped 4 degrees since yesterday! Everywhere I go, the water temps have been plummeting. Tomorrow’s musky hunt has been cancelled as well.

So to re-cap, weather and water conditions have consistently deteriorated over the past 9 days. I got sunburned on Wednesday and fished in the snow this morning. We caught more ducks than muskies over that same time frame and we had our first bird surgery on board a boat. (Both successful Bat surgeries did happen in a boat.) At least my family comes back from Europe tomorrow so that will be a positive.

I might post a funny video clip of the duck being reeled in but am reluctant because it is laced with profanity. If anyone wants me to send them the clip, just post contact info in this thread.

Good luck!