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Thread: TFF Update

  1. #1

    Default TFF Update

    Sundays action started not so good as yours truly had flu like symptoms, but the fish had been on a very good bite so the trip was a go, as was I. Keeping our distance close to a landing with toilet facilities, my very special friend/client and I started out working deep rocks (14 ft) with jigs and fatheads and had immediate action. Lots of action on this spot with mostly smaller males, one good keeper from there along with a big jumbo perch. Moving to steep dropping shorelines, we found decent action here and once again one keeper and a few smaller ones. That ended the fishing for awhile as we made our next stop to a landing. Once back out, we decided to try for some smallies and they were active also, vertical jigging over submerged stumps in 13 feet of water was productive as we boated a few but again smaller males. Next we tried shallow shorelines with weeds and fallen trees and came up with the remainder of our walleye needed along with a couple of hefty smallies. Due to continued flu problems we called it a day at 1PM.

    No fishing today due to rain and the flu. Really needed this day off to relax and stuff myself with meds.

    Hopefully back out tomorrow, will keep you posted.

    Don's Guide Service
    Don Pemble

  2. #2


    Thanks for the update Don. Hope you start to feel better......take care and....have some chicken soup......

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