Overall my season was a little slower than normal. The largest was a 49 incher followed by a 48 1/2 inch and a 48 inch. I don't think I'll reach my normal goal of 100 fish from the Chip but I wasn't too far off. I'll tally my fish up tomorrow and see. I'm guessing upper 80's for numbers.

As for the lowering of the lake, I understand what they are doing but it's a total risk on the DNR's part. I like the idea of cleaning off the rock/gravel spawning areas for walleye recruitment but there could be a pretty good winterkill. This could make the milfoil go crazy in two years. Kind of like it was five or six years ago. Honestly, nobody knows what dropping the lake will do, myself included. After dumping all those walleye and muskie into the lake I'm not sure now is the time to experiment but it would be cheaper in the long run if the fish naturally reproduced.