Good Luck to the guys/gals fishing this weekend. It should be interesting to see what happens...

I thought maybe I'd join "bassindude" and be helpful and offer a report, then realized you're all probably already on the lake...

Truthfully, my guess is for the weekend that fish will be raised/caught all over the lake on lots of different techniques. As Chad has pointed out, the weed growth is awesome. The water is still low and clear. I haven't even been turning on my electronics much so I can't give an accurate temperature. This early Fall (like the other reports) I've seen fish mostly on blades, but that's a function largely of what I've been throwing. Top water has been slow for me, but twitching a crank has raised a few fish on slower days. Predictably, fish have been in the weeds and on tough days I've still found some stragglers in traditional rocky transitions. I'm rather sure there are other bites possible, as well.

Anyway, Good Luck to all fishing this weekend...