I'm actually using a discontinued 8" Lindy tiger tube in a sucker color. I like the rigging because it has a fixed single hook attached to the internal jig head and treble attached by a short wire that extends to the back tentacles. The back treble is usually money....I have only failed to land 1 fish that struck (this week sadly). It is a great fall bait - I have caught a ton of late fall fish on this tube - the colder the water the better.

Red October has good looking tubes and the closest rigging to the tiger tube is the "casting/swimming" rig (it has an additional treble near the nose). The pumpkin color is very close to what I am throwing. A straight retrive with an occasional rip is good, as is a pumping retrieve - they usually hit on the fall back.


Good luck...it is a great time of year to throw these baits!