After way too long out of action due to the wrist injury, I finaly got on the water again. 6 Kings , 4 Rainbow, 2 Coho, and 1 Laker. Got everything in 100-125 FOW, 40ft down. Fished from filtration plant to Fox Point, most fish on NBK, 3 on Green Easter Egg, 2 on white glow Spin Doctor with aqua fly. Kings were 7-15 lb. Rainbows 5-11, Coho were 4-6, Laker was 8. Biggest Rainbow hit a magnum gr. Easter Egg. Had my new electric knife blow the circuits at the McKinley cleaning station, the fish almost jumped off the table when I touched them with the blade. The fish were all iced, and dead at the time. The knife was an American Angler Saltwater MT3. They are sending a replacement free of charge.