It seemed like an eternity for October to return and do my annual fall trip with Frank. We will swap many stories along with some political comments over the next few days. We will also take time to fish especially Muskie. Most effort will be directed at trolling with Frank at the helm as captain with John and I sharing the title of first mate or some will say deck hands. Anything to be successful. I will add updates each day unless I fall asleep with my fingers on the keyboard.

Arrived at Franks at 13:30 Thursday and after unloading my boat and storing gear in camp we headed out just to fish bait fish to Frank. He agreed to come along if he could take a nap in my lounge chair. Of course I agreed. After securing 3 big scoops of Minnows and 3 rods we finally started fishing about 14:15 in a spot we all know. THE GAP! They were in a biting mood and we got our keepers in a short time. The second location was in Tug Channel and we started to find quality Perch the largest being 14". The third stop for the short afternoon was on the way back to camp, I do not know its name, where we caught more Perch and 1 Crappie. I estimate our total catch was nearly 140 Walleyes, 20 Perch, 1 Crappie and 4 Pike. Not bad totals and still back in camp at 17:30.

Today will be the real test. BTW, from what I hear, in excess of 10 Muskies are caught each day by Franks customers. Several days are near 20.I don't dare to reveal their names because they might want to remain anonymous. How can you not come up this time of year.