Sorry guys/gals I haven't put a report on in several days.. I've super busy guiding and the shop time just gets away from me.. Things really haven't changed at all.. I know it seems my reports are starting to sound alike but I can't help it things have just stayed the same for the last 3 weeks.. With the nice weahter we have had the last few days it has warmed the water back up really good.. We are at 68-70 right now with clarity being good all over the lake.. They are calling for some rain tonight through tomorrow which no doubt will turn them on! Baits are the same for me as well mostly blades with a accasional rubber fish here and there.. Guys you need to check out this Meat and Potatoe little Hefty Inline I'm throwing right now it's pretty sweet.. Cowgirls, Muskie Pete, Slowies, Top Water, seems to the be the tickets.. Congrats to my client Kevin Monroe who got his biggest fish to date Sunday with me a super nice 48"! Make sure you stop in the shop on your way through this week.. Good luck and I'll see you on the pond! BTW the spots haven't changed either!