Muskies were in shallow weeds Friday, but not very aggressive. Had several follows, including one that rose up out of the weeds 3 times on different lures, but only caught one about 36" in the evening to keep the streak alive. Photo attempt was spoiled by inadvertently turning the zoom ring the wrong way. Saturday I intended to go up to Murray's, but only fished as far as Bonies before turning back due to poor visibility from an algae bloom (present everywhere, but worst up there) and little action. Very quiet day up there - other than a few kayaks and canoes, I only had one boat go past in a couple hours. Fishing very shallow weeds with a topwater, I did pick up a few largemouth but nothing very big. Didn't see a musky all day. Same story this morning, and I headed home relatively early. Pictures are posted. Surface temps were right around the 70 degree mark, and the water level is just about -2.0 feet, relatively high for this time of year. Many of the stumps and rock bars are still slightly underwater, and next weekend could generate plenty of work for the repair shops if there's a lot of boat traffic.