Hello everyone,

I was trying to wait until I had something to report because things have been very slow here on Gogebic the past couple weeks or so. The perch fishing has been better than the walleye fishing that's for sure. What I have found out with the perch is that the perch have been feeding on red worms that are coming out of the mud in the flats, in that 8 -15' range mainly on the north end of the lake that I know about.

I have been able to pick up a walleye here and there, but nothing consistent. I can say that their is a school of walleye out in the mud that is at least 5 miles long. I have tried just about everything I know to get these fish to bit with very little luck. They must be gorging them selves on something but I'm not sure what that is. I am not seeing the columns of mayflies hatching out of the mud, and only a few bugs on the surface, not like mats of mayflies like we have seen here before. Even last year when we were having these hatches, I was still able to catch a good number of fish each day.

So, to sum it up. I'm not sure whats going on. Is it the warm weather that have made these fish lethargic, or do they have some food source that they gorging them selves on. I not sure. The one walleye that I pulled yesterday had one leech in its belly. All I can say is, if you out there the day they start to turn on it's gong to be field day.

What do they say, A bad day of fishin is better than a good at work!

If anyone gets anything goin please share the wealth with us here.

