I was looking at the fish pics from the 38 pounder from the susky river. That is a great fish alright..... What if anyone of us would be lucky enough to get a 55 pound plus to break the PA state record? Would you keep her???? I have not had a fish that big to the boat ( the susky fish) so it would probably seem like a 40 - 50 pounder to me when it was at boatside and in the net....
I have a 50 pound scale for such the occasion when I fish certain waters.
When do you draw the line if someone would catch a 51 pound muskie and keep her thinking she was the new state record? Would they be a hated muskie fisherman because they should have let it go????
I have seen replica mounts of a 50 pounder and a replica mount of a 70 pound muskie, made just to see how BIG it would be.

I guess that guy is a walleye fisherman - That was the catch of his life. I am simply trying to get some input on what is feasible on keeping a record fish... They should all be returned to the water unless she is the new PA state record fish. AND----

( I plan on getting her )