The last week has been rather strange for muskies. Some lakes have produced very well, while others have been very slow. Keep your trailer hubs greased because you need to change lakes sometimes and the angler that keeps on top of things will benefit.

Some muskies were coming out of shallow weeds over the weekend. Suckers with bobbers were the way to keep presentations in the right depth without getting snagged. Also found some fish using rocks in 8 to 18 feet of water near steep breaks. A few fish were also contacted along the deep weed edge.

Had a difficult time getting strikes on artificials, but still had some following fish on Suicks and Joe's Live action lures.

Water temps are in the 52 to 57 degree range right now. Signs of turnover can be seen on some deeper lakes and the green film at the surface is rather nasty in some spots. Be ready to move around if you see the real bad green stuff at the surface. Another lake may be a better choice.

The sucker situation is a bit tough these days. Most bait shops are getting some, but the good supply that we get in the fall in a normal year is not happening. It pays to call around and see who has what for bait.

Look to be out the next several days. Will update later.
