I fished the 2010 musky bash this past weekend at St. Clair. There were 4 of us on Fred Lederers boat. We went out friday for a couple hours for a little pre fishing and found them. We got 3 in about an hour and a half and then got in a little trouble. Fished Sarurday and we put 18 in the boat with some of them being nice fish. We also had a few bonus fish of 2 huge pike a 6 pound walleye and a cuople 5 pound bass. We only boated 1 fish on Sunday. Our biggest was only 49 inches and we did not end up in the money but we had a great time. The fish were all in deep water.
I will now tell you about the trouble. We saw the sky getting bad back where we came from and turned to the weather channel. BAD NEWS!!!!! We got caught in the worst storm I have ever been caught in. There was no way out of it. We had to ride it out for 2 hours of 5 to 6 foot waves, Rain that we couldn't see through and 60 mile an hour winds. There was lightning blasting all around us.To say the least, we were all a little shook up. I will admit to everyone I did get scared!! I am not pround of this in any way and I am only telling you all this because I hope no one ever goes through this. PLEASE be careful out there. We don't want to lose anyone out there. St. Clair is a very dangerous place when it turns nasty. Just keep an eye out. I love going but I will respect her a little more and never forget what we went through.
All in all we had a blast and will be in it again next year. We have allready made a pact to win it next year.