We headed out of Nash at 0600 day before yesterday.. The first 750mi were lovely... The last 30mi were anything but! That line of storms was like nothing I ever saw.. White knuckles, wipers going as fast as they could and traffic (that didn't just pull over) was scootin along at all of 35mph.. Was all I Got in to Wausau ok though but pretty beat, so grabbed some fast food and crashed.. Up and going at 7a yesterday..Got to the WEL about 845, our unit was ready - as a matter of fact, good ol Derek followed us to 101 from the office.. As we were unloading, in walks Pete (Stix Chigger) with our rods and reels.. Pretty sweet baitcasters, I must say.. By 11am we had the SS Chigger (great pontoon) set up and we were on the water.. Bouncin off the waves.. Twas WINDY yesterday.. We cruised around til 130p, came in scarfed down a PBJ sammie and back out - this time with Muskie Matt and the Muskie Nazi Fishing School commenced.. After 3 hours of learning the basics (and not seeing anything fish wise) we headed to Boondockers for dinner.. I will say that Big Daddy has far better control of his thumb than I do.. I spent more pickin backlashes than fishing - but I'll get it.. After dinner BD and I did the sundown show and some topwater fishing til we came in a little after 10p..

So runs our 1st days account of ER 2010..

I am proud to announce Matt (with some help from Bob the bartender) has written a song that you may soon here on the radio (rfrg) - Stay Tuned!!

Also - Matt is now a Chigger - He shall now be known as Gizmo Chigger as this man has every gizmo ever made I think!! LOL