Quick update... Water temps on LVD have skyrocketed, especially in the shallows. Yesterday we found anywhere from 66-72 degree water. Shallow, sunny, calm areas were warmest while out in the open deeper portions of the lake we saw 66-68 degree surface temps.

Fished a couple hours without much success, even the water goats weren't showing up. Saw a couple little pike doing the "speed of light" dash up, dash away thing but that was about it.

Water levels on LVD... be cautious as water levels are about 2 feet lower than normal. Keep that in mind when remembering a favorite area and in getting there also.

Weed growth... Going to be a banner year, nice thick green weeds are present and already quite high in the water. Indian/Rice Bay has thick weeds already, coming to within a couple feet of the surface.

I'll keep everybody updated, I'd like to get up there one more time before predicted hot weather sets in. That's right, 80's predicted for the coming week!