Guys I had a very interesting evening this week & I need some advice.
Between 4-830pm I encountered approx 15 muskies- 3 got off before I could boat them, about 5 had short-strikes, and another 7-8 follows. The fish were inquisitive, but not agressive, they would either not strike at all or just take a little nip at it. All different -sized fish too. A couple sat there & flaired their gills at it, that was wild. Usually when Im at the right place & right time, they totally eat the bait, but this wasn't the case, they were defenitely acting differently.

The water was very clear, and there was absolutely no wind at all ( I mean none).Im thinking maybe they could see it too good and that made them cautious. I was hoping for a little chop in the water but it wasnt happening. I tired every type lure, but only a jerkbait, worked slowly, got the action-- everything else got no attention, no follows, nothing.

Pressure ws high that day early, but by evening had dropped nicely, and it was second day of the Full Moon Period.
