Been out sucker fishing a bit, they aren't quite running yet, but a few males are moving upstream. went out with a buddy one day and we ran out of bait, and kept 24 suckers, both redhorse, and white suckers. went out sunday with Jess and same thing, ran out of bait, but kept 20 of them. pretty fun.

Also last week I went out with the DNR to run fyke nets on the Chip, it was pretty cool to help with that. Got a few muskies, a 48 and 49 were the biggest, will post a pic up soon. Also got a bunch of walleye, but the bad thing is, only one female in 5 nets in 3 days was under 16.5 inches, not much for year classes coming up, pretty crazy, so the dnr is right about there being big problems for the chip in coming years for walleye fishing. we also got a walleye that was about 10 pounds which was cool. Water temps are in the low to mid 50's.

Good luck,
Tanner Wildes