I know it's a little early to be laying claim to April's “Lunker of the Month” especially since it is only April 3rd and all, but I think I've got this one in the bag. This is is my personal best at Alum after 15 years. In March, my 45” got beat by a 1/4” but this is a new month and I don't think anyone's gonna come close to this one!

Today at Alum around noon I landed a 72” muskie...........................Club President.

During the high winds today while docking his boat Rob decided to take a dive (very gracefully I might add) into the lake. After much thrashing and multiple runs to the boat I finally landed him and was able to release him unharmed to his wife at the top of the boat ramp.

Although this was good for a laugh at Rob's expense, it shows how quick something can go wrong at the dock in high winds. Be careful out there, the water is still cold!

Cliff Honeycutt