Reflecting on my fishing, I think I only get about 35% of the Muskies that hit my baits to the boat. In my mind, that is rather dismal. So, ladies and gentlemen, please discuss the essential points in getting hooks into the fish.
What are the key elements ?
Using the proper size hooks ? Like 4/0 or 5/0 treble hooks or some other ? Then, trebles vs. single hooks ?
Sharp hooks ? Just how sharp is really, really sharp ? File vs. stone ?
The lure the hooks are on ? What bait really has a great hook up percentage ? Wire bait or wood, or plastic ?
The hook set ? 80 lb line at the minimum, NO stretch ? A rod with very serious backbone ? The drag on the reel tightened with a pair of pliars ?
How about one's personal timing of the set ? Do we need to be super fast or do we need to feel the weight of the fish on line first ? Do we have to set with every fiber of our body ?
How closely is hook set associated with mind set ?

I have watched Ty Sennett fish. He talks, he is looking at his feet, or staring off in space and he STILL hooks up most of the time. Oh, I have seen him miss, but he sure doesn't seem to all that often. Chaffs my hide, I tell you.

What do you think is the secret of turning a high percentage of hits into fish in the net ?