I had Ron Andrews from Chicagoland in the boat today hunting muskies. It was an interesting day. The wind was blowing 12 to 20 miles an hour out of the south all day. Boat control was imparitive to putting fish in the boat.
The muskies have started to move on artificials again, we had one about 35 inches hit a depthraider and lost it at the boat 10 minutes into fishing. A short time later one about 38 inches was following the sucker, didn't hit. Then Ron boated a 42 incher on a depthraider. We then had a smaller fish about 37 inches following the sucker, again didn't hit. The last fish of the day was a 45 incher Ron boated on a sucker, this fish followed the suckers for awhile then we finally got her " fired up enuf" to grab a sucker and Ron set the hook immediately and we netted her.

All the action was over by 1:30 in the afternoon.

The key for the success of the day was boat control, 95 percent of catching fish on tough wind days depends on it.

If you guys can get up here, they are biting, and we have great suckers here at Guides Choice Pro Shop.

Fishing with Ron again tomorrow, stay tuned,

Ranger Rick