Lookin at the weather report i decided to head out last night, so after work i headed to one of my local favorite waters. Well when i got to the launch i walk to the ramp to check for things nature or people have left so i do not hit them. I see what i thought were minnows darting, well i look closer there were with out joking at least 50 baby muskie laying at the ramp. They were 4-6 inch long, the cutest things i had ever seen. The PFBC must have just released them with in the last few days. That got my day off to good start.

Well i go next couple hours with out seeing a fish. I go to one of my best spots with out moving moving fish so i deciede to go real slow in working baits. bang secound cast on a walleye hellhound, got a 33 inch skie in the net. Finally broke my fishless streak of 5 months. Little further had another skie miss three time, then little further another skie miss. By this time its getting dark so i start to head home and i take just one more cast. Boom rod just bends in half i knoew i had somthing good. After short fight i net the fish i could not believe my eyes 30 inch walleye hit my hellhound. Its girth was 18inch. Well then i released it and packed it in for the day. Thanks for listening, it was a great night for me last night.