Tough fishing this week with the changing weather conditions and water clarity down to nothing with the alge bloom.
Lures that make a lot of noise are working best.
Water temps are climbing again.

Bass, topwater action is working well and its a blast when these fish explode on the surface, Hula Poppers and Jitterbugs are the best lures this week. Early morning hours are the best time.

Pike, nice fish, size is average anywhere from 20 to 29 inches. Boo Yah or Northland Buzzbaits worked with the weed edges, use dark colors.

Crappies, fish the bridges and trestles, action is slow but you should catch enough for a meal. Just use a small fathead and slip bobbers.

Perch, scattered, bigger fish are in the deeper weeds. Use leeches or beavertails with small jigs or slip bobbers.

Walleyes, a nice 22 inch walleye today (Tue.) out of Lake Alice. We found walleye's in the shallow weeds and also on the deep rocks. Jigs and large leeches are catching the most fish. During the daytime try Rapala deep shad raps on the rock bars use silver or silver and blue for colors.

Muskies, topwater action this week really took off, use lures that throw lots of water. Best action has been just after sunrise.

Good Luck
Aquatic Arts Fishing Pro Shop