8/8 Mohawksin outing with Gary Wolf.

2 keeper walleyes, 1- 17 inch largemouth, 2 northern's, 1- 24 inch & a chunky 27 incher and 8 nice size crappies. All but the crappies were caught on homemade one piece multi lure rigs using fresh tuna strips. Crappies came on a minnow tipped with a little pinky 2 ft under a pencil bobber along the edge of some reeds. Muskies were a no show, but we did see someone land a pretty nice looking one along the western shore adjacent to Bradley point. Hard to tell the exact size, but we both guessed it to be around 40-45 inches. No problem with bullheads this trip.

Not so bad of an outing. The weather cooperated nicely. Got to see a couple of Gary's hot spots.

How did everyone else do?

I don't always drink beer,
But when I do.....
I prefer Red White and Blue

Stay thirsty my friends.
Blind Robin