For those that may practice the 60-100 ft back now that the Musky are deeper do you have the proper equipment to insure that fish gets released alive and well?We have some quality fish now swimming in our inland lakes but unless the proper equipment is used some of those fish will DIE because of the stress called DELAYED MORTALITY I call it lack of control.You wanna troll back 60-100 then by God, make sure you have the right stuff to be able to get the fish in and back in a small amount of time.Some of you that may be reading this realize I saw the results of those no names, who troilled way way back and 1 of those fish would have hit the 48inch class this year!I could care less how many Musky any angler in Ohio has caught but my hats off to all the guys that have a 100% alive and well record and I know there are a good number of guys that can say that.This is the time where screw ups begin to occur they dont occur with those who use PROPER EQUIPMENT and dont spend time weighing and measuring guess thats what seperates the men from the boys.My PASSION for keeping what we have alive and well is stronger then its ever been we keep what we have ALIVE were gonna see the 50s and if you dont dream of that take up golfing! C.B