The bigger fish have started going good. On the 19th I had Mike Stecker and Rob out. Mike boated a 40 inch fish and lost one the same size. I boated a 34 inch tiger and lost a forty inch plus fish right at the boat. We also had quite a few others follow and hit that we didn't get.

On the 20th Rachel and I fished together and I had three follows right away and then Rachel hooked into a really good fish. I went to scoop the fish into the net and the fish dove at the last second and long story short I blew the net job on a fish in the forty pound range. That would have been one of the top three or four I've ever had in the boat. Now it's just a story. I felt terrible. We had it laying on top of the net with the net bag all twisted up and nothing I could do. At the next spot she had one follow that was about the same size but not as heavy. Then she boated a 45 inch fish right after that. I caught a small one later in the day and we had a few other follows. I think Rachel is gooing to put some pics up this morning while I'm out guiding.

Good luck everyone,