went to Detroit River and fished friday and had 5 follows of musky's and had no hook ups. then on saturday we went out and had 6-7 follows from muskys well over 40 and had a couple on and Arron caught a 38incher and then later that day i caught a 30incher, and today I caught a 45incher and had a lot of follows and my son and I saw a musky that was cruising the bottom that must have been 50-52 i mean it was a monster we through at it and the area for like an hour and came up with no 50...but all in all it was a great trip, and now we know what its like to get follows because we never get them at Caesars creek. And you got to love the color of the fish way better then the pale fish here.

first fish-45 incher
second-30 incher
third-38 incher