The walleye seem to have gone somewhere else.CaughtLOTS of rock bass tonight right from the dock/pier thing they got goin on.About 5 under size smallies and a crappie tonight. Probly would have started catching more when the rain came but i was getting wet and had nothing in the bucket so i went home. I always hate trying to land a fish from that pier! Oh,yeah crappies,where can i fish for more of these from shore? Any good spots you guys want to give up,that i can caught fish from shore? (Escanaba) If so,where?When?Color? Thank You to who ever got the out house cleaned up.Its to bad 1 day i seen we got a big roll of T.P. in there the next day someone f%*k^%g jerk kicked it off the wall. It's one like in wall-mart bath rooms. But today i seen it was back in there the toilet sit was clean theres a HOOK on the door, just like i asked on this page. And let me tell you before the seat looked like LOTS of people TRIED to hover and do their thing and MISSED badly. Nice Job!! on the clean up.If any of you "Big Boat Fisherman" want someone to ride shotgun in your boat this summer around Esky,give me a call 786-6207. Ask for matt.