I saw one of the largest fish i have ever seen in lake Monona last summer i was fishing from a pier by the triangle but on the main lake on John Nolen road i was trying for gills in the weed i was mid July around noon and as i made a cast out of the weed swam a hog of a carp it moved under the dock to my left in about 2 feet of water as it past under the narrower part or the dock the walkway to the floating pier i saw that its tail stuck out one side of the dock and its head was sticking out the other after the shock of its size i began to cast line at it in an attempt to get him to bite but It just kept swimming on through the weed and out of my sight I guessed its size to be between 50-60inches and It had to be 60lb+ I have never seen something like that before some of you guy might think it was a lake sturgeon but the water was clear enough to see the difference any of you guys seen a monster?