I received this the other day via e-mail.
Check out the prices! They are ridiculously cheap.

Roberts Outdoors
Joe Bucher Products
Inventory Blowout Sale
Call Brad at 920 866 1640 or BradD@sdsci.com
Fax 920 866 1641

Jtd Depth Raiders $6.30 Depth Raiders $5.55
Big Foots Dr & Sr $6.00 Jtd Shallow Raiders $6.00
Shallow Raiders $5.55 Jtd Baby Dr’s $5.65
Baby Dr’s $4.90 Baby Sr’s $4.90
Mini Buchertail $3.77 Buchertail 700 $4.40
Mogambo’s $5.25 Magnums $6.64
Mag Tinsels $6.00 Willows $4.40
SlopMaster $3.50 Slop master Buzz $4.40
SlopMasterTandem $4.40 Supertops $9.30
TopRaiders $6.53 Danc’n Raiders $5.43
Swim’n Joes $5.25

Call them for colors, quantities and more deals on lures.