I kinda think a dead fish is a dead fish. 15 inches, 22, inches, 25 and bigger. It's all about the spawning conditions and which year classes are good-vs-explotation rates. A high reproduction-explotation rate will make for a good fishery. Just look at Lake Erie.....there is no slot limit there and its the walleye capital of the world with lots of big fish.

If you want a slot.....lets do a "no kill" from 20-25 inches so we can save the prime spawners. One last word...shut down the slaughter in the FOX and Menominee Rivers for one month every spring and you'd probably save alot more big fish than get caught inside LBDN all year round.

Just my opinion.....don't ever take it personal.

One thing I am also really curious about is to where all the "save the fish" activists were when the DNR DID CHANGE THE LIMIT ON SALMON TO 5 INTEAD OF 3. I guess I will be the voice for the poor discrimianted against salmon! As Rodney Danderfield would say "I get no respect!" Salmon deserve more than they got.