Hey Matt & Pete Happy belated new year to you guy's & the rest of the RFRG Brother's & Sister's , Last Month was a goofy month of fishing down here in the Fox Lake chain area . We got early ice for once ! Two week's before Christmas , Ye Hah all geared up an let's Go !! Fishing started out decent with marginal result's an Then SNOW & then More SNOW wet heavy stuff , Made it hard to get to the good fishing spot's truckin thru that stuff pulling your portable pop up shack & gear , Made you wonder what the #^(*#^ you were thinking at time's , an the fishing was slow !! Looking down at that ice hole an vexlar trying to coax a bite any kind of bite , even moving around did'nt help much , with one weather front after another had the fish all whacked out with a bad case of Loc Jaw but the bottle Bass were biting good , Tasty !! Then Came the Big Thaw !! With heavy rain's , Snow disappeared & freed up the lake's for Passage,, An then stable weather patterns !!! Man that turned the fishing around fast , Blue gills ,Crappies ,& Walleye's Oh Boy, Now that's a slice of Heaven. {YE HAh} Thing's have been good for about a week an 1/2 now , Funny how that goes is'nt it ! Well I got's to go the fish are calling my name , Just thought i would share this fishin report with you Guy's , I hope this stable weater pattern hold up a while longer , Thank's for all your fishing update's an stories that get shared on your sight ! See Ya Pan Fish