WOW! Winter has hit hard! not a soul posting in here..... what did everyone get from santa? Anyone find open water and get to fish? C'mon this is killin' me! I know Red is taking some time off but where did everone else go?
I will start off,
Santa brought me: 2 super d's, an orange and black suick, super shallow manta, 2 8" jakes, 2 6" jakes, and 2 baby shallow raiders.... apparently I was good. I went and fished cussewago on the 26th and did not have any luck but the water is going back into it's banks I hope that it does not freeze again! I got laid off so now that I have time, I am sure that it will freeze ( this weather is not helping). I have been working on my lure wallets, getting them sent out and finalizing my logo keep your eye open for them in '09. By the way happy new year!

Take care,
