Really have not been saying much with the ice conditions, as there has not been too much to say. Until now! Took the airboat over to Young’s Bay yesterday, and what was open water the day before, was frozen over enough to hold my boat up with a bit of sagging. Made the same run today, and held me up fine. Based on that I would guess 3-4 inches or more. The open water area was the area between Flag and Passage Islands. Everything from Mergen’s Point to Young’s Bay was good hard ice. Talked to a friend marking from Young’s Bay to Brush, and he had a solid 7 1/2 inches. Noticed people sledding to and from Windigo Island. Saw a bunch of cracking and bleeding from the weight of the new snow, which is a good thing. Will freeze it through quickly. Only one very minor pressure ridge so far. Any of the smaller wet areas that I saw earlier in the week and now frozen over.

All goods new. My guess is we are on our way. Especially in view of the weather forecast. Planning to start checking ice in our areas on Monday. Want to give the cold a few days to work it’s magic. The late freeze makes the water temperatures more homogenous, and should freeze very quick now. Hopefully have good things to report, but would be shocked if we are not moving next week.