I fished with my brothers Tim and Tait in the Muskies Inc. tournament on all the lakes in the Hayward area over the weekend. We ended up catching five fish between 39 inches and 42 1/2 inches. We just fished the Chip the whole time. My little brother Tait ended up winning the tournament with three of those five fish. Pretty bad to get shown up by your little brother! Actually I couldn't be prouder of him. He did about as good as you can for the conditions we had. He caught two on Vexers and one on a Stillwater. One of the Vexer fish was after about six or seven full figure eights. We didn't see many others than the ones we caught. Pretty slow overall but my brother took advantage of what was thrown our way.

I also had a trip on Thursday and we caught one 42 inch fish and lost another. The 42 was on a Flowage Boa and the one we lost was on a Creeptonite. That was probably one of the last bucktail fish of the year. Jerkbaits and Bulldawgs from here on out.

Water temps are in the low fifties after this weekend....Brrrrrr!