I’m with Bret GET A CHIP , also my First year on the TFF.

Not only a life saver but… Prop, saver lower unit saver, transducer saver/you get the Idea
I purchaced the Humminbird 898c HD SI and The lake master chip, don’t know about the lawrence depth finder but here are some things I like.

Setting contours: Say the guides are posting fish in 17-20’ just set the contour highlight for that range, It makes it so easy to see the target water.

Shallow water highlight the samething.

Looking at the unit I would see my shallow water <3” highlighted in “RED” and my 17-20” target water in “GREEN”

Lake Master as far as I know does not have hazards highlighted per say but contours come up to zero. The side imaging is awesome; at Butternut Lake I can count the number of logs on each crib

Following river channels and staying out of stump fields is a piece of cake with this chip.

I would bet mine has paid for it self which is minor compared to the grief of taking out a prop or lower unit 5 miles from the boat launch