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Thread: Post Your September 2011 Trip Reports Here

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Post Your September 2011 Trip Reports Here

    Had an eventful week at Morson. Arrived Friday afternoon and fished some points for walleyes. Caught a few small-to-eater size walleyes and then casted for smallies and caught a few.

    The wind howled on Saturday. Hid behind some islands and shorelines in the morning and again caught some small-to-eater sized walleyes off of points in 18-20 feet. Jigs and minnows. Marked fish deeper but no takers. Went out muskie hunting in the afternoon. Not too much action, but my oldest son caught this northern on a bucktail. He was really happy.

    Sunday was a nicer day and went for walleyes up in Miles Bay. Caught lots of small-to-eater sized walleyes off of points in 18-20 feet and bonus crappies at 25 feet. Jigs and minnows. Could not find any bigger fish.

    We also threw for smallies around the area and caught a few along with either a very big northern or decent muskie who owes me a DT-10 Rapala.

    Threw for muskies again Monday morning. We caught a few small northerns and snagged a turtle. Went walleye fishing for a little while and you guessed it, caught lots of small-to-eater sized walleyes. Was a fun weekend, but didn't connect on any bigger walleyes nor a muskie, but still had fun and am learning more about muskie fishing every time out.

    Back up in a couple weeks for "Fall Fishing."

  2. #2

    Default Post Your September 2011 Trip Reports Here

    Thought I'd get this one started Justin. Was up for the long Labor Day weekend. Worked the entire weekend on the property but managed to musky fish for 2 hours Sunday evening and another 2 Monday morning before departure.

    Zero luck on sunday evening in some excellent looking stuff. Monday morning headed out around 8am. Around 11am I decided to call it another weekend spent on too much work and not nearly enought play. I was out west south of the sunset, on my way home decided to stop on the way home and troll a little. WHAMO! Landed a 42" ski on a jointed perch colored depth raider. Totally saved my weekend and sent me home with a smile on my face.

    Back up to hit it hard 3 weekends in a row starting Sept. 23. Not going to even THINK about work those three weekends and will be with muskie enthusiasts so no worries about walleye fishing interupting my much needed musky fishing time.

    Good luck this fall everyone!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Morson, Ontario, Canada

    Default My Labour Day Weekend Last Blast of Summer Outing

    Got out for some fishing on the weekend..the first time this year I had a chance to fish consecutive days looking for a patter...ahhhhhhh it didnt help..haha.

    Friday, Sept 2 - Fished 4 til 8-30...winds calm, temps pretty warm...surface temps about 73-74 most places...got out solo attempting to scout a little for the weekend when I would have my dock guy out before he went back to college. Fished severl spots for the first time and some others that I hadn't fish much or at all this year. Managed to see 6 fish, 3 in the mid 40 class, but only had one nip at boatside. All on topwater (Big Mama Psycho Sist'r in Baby Loon.) Mostly rocks (flat shelf rock off shoreline, points, reefs close to points, shoreines.) One fish came out of the slop hot, but didn't eat.

    Saturday, Sept 3 - Fished 8am to 4ish...SW winds....storm cell moved through during the night...air temps dropped a lot...we went in the monrning right towards another cell of rain/thunder that was moving through..we were behind it and never got rained on as it made it's way northeastward. surface temps down to 70ish with clouds all day. saw 7 total, with a couple of nice ones in the mix. Several follows and blow up on the Big Mama topwater again, but only one got hooks. It was 40" inches. A couple fish came up on figure 8's and grabbed twister tails on the back of a spinner bait and turned like they were getting away with he loot, but didn't have a hook in their lips. After the second instant we downsized the twister tail from 8 inches, to 4 inches. All but one fish were on rock structure.

    Sunday, Sept 4 - More cold front type conditions with winds switching to N and dropping air temps and water temps further. surface temps started day at 66-68 in most places. Sun came out briefly at times, but didnt warm temps up much past 69 at best. Managed to see 6 more muskies, but only caught a peanut. Two more fish committed, but didnt get hooks. A couple more in the weeds, the others on rocks. Raised rish on twitch/crank in the weeds, depthraider and Big Mama topwater on the rocks. One fish hit the twitcher..the other hit a Big Mama the second time around at boatside. Peanut was caught on the spinner bait with downsized teaser tail.

    Monday, Sept 5 - fished 7-30 to noonish...SW winds ...3rd direction change in 3 days...cool morning, but sun was out. Water temps 70ish..action from 2 fish......had 1 hit (rock/weed) the spinner bait (pearson grinder with downsized tail), and was on for awhile but lost before it got to the boat. Another fish blew up on topwater (top raider) on the same spot and same location (rock point) as 40 incher was caught on Saturday.

    Overall, more than enough fish around to make it a great weekend, but we couldnt enough of them to commit to attempt to close the deal. Big Mama's big topwater was a great fish finder. Would like to get it out there in front of agressive fish that want to eat and see how it does. Speaking with some guests and friends that fished over the weekend as well made it sound like it was more of the same for them...not many fish hitting...though a buddy did get a gorgeous 48.5" on a reef hawg on Friday afternoon around 2pm. I'm sure there were some anglers clobbering the fish somewhere nearby, but it sure wasn't anyone I talked to this weekend.
    Justin Gaudry
    Mylie's Place Resort

    Lake of the Woods
    Morson, Ontario, Canada
    Website: http://www.myliesplaceresort.com
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/myliesplace
    YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/MyliesPlaceResort/feed
    Twitter: @MyliesPlaceJMan https://twitter.com/#!/MyliesPlaceJMan
    E-mail: jwgaudry@hotmail.com
    Toll Free Phone: 1-866-395-3449

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default musky fishing

    we were up the 4th to the 10th.Ended up with 15 fish.33 the smallest up to a 48,49,50.Almost all were caught on a sledge and from rock.Saw many other fish that wouldn't hit,and lost a few.The full moon definately turned them on as the 48 and 50 were on friday and the 49 and a 40 were on saturday.You had to find clear water though.Will be back up in a week.Did they get the fire out in Ob.lake or is the wind whipping it around?
    jeff (millertime)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Marshall, MN

    Default Sept. 15-17

    We fished Thursday through Saturday out of Morson, mostly for muskies and pike but did do some walleye fishing.

    The muskies were hard to find, we had 6 follows total with 0 fish in the boat. All follows were hot with 2 fish swiping at the lures but missing and the others being only 2-3 inches behind the lure acting real aggresive. Tried lots of lures: jerkbaits, large spinnerbaits, topwater, suicks, and bucktails. 2 follows on topwater, 2 on jerkbaits, 1 on spinnerbaits, and 1 on an 11" walleye while fishing for walleyes. Only caught 15 pike with the biggest being 37". We did have about 6 strikes that we missed that could have been pike or muskies but we did not see the fish. Tried steep rocks, gradual rocks, sand, reeds, and transition areas between these all. Most came off of rocks but a few where sand met the rocks.

    Walleye fishing was good while we fished for them. Only did about 5 hours of combined walleye fishing and caught about 125 fish. Many were between 10-12" but we did catch a good amount of 13-16" fish and a fair amount of 16-18", with the biggest being 22". Only did 1 method, jigging with minnows off of reefs or rock points in depths of 11-25 feet. The best depth was 16-18 feet. We also missed a ton of fish, stinger hooks would have been a good thing.

    Good luck fishing! D&B

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Morson, Ontario, Canada


    First time out since Labour Day. Fished 11am or so until 8pm. Managed to get 5 muskies to show themselves, with 3 good strikes (likely the same fish hitting twice in one case..if not it was another fish saying hello), but no solid hook ups. Another fish made a hell of an attempt to eat a Shallow Invader boatside after 4 or 5 times around, but missed completely and it came almost completely out of the water. I thought it was coming in the boat for a smooch. That was the biggest fish seen at 45-48 inches. Others were smaller, but not peanuts. Other lures with action were topwater (Big Mama Psycho Sister) DCG JR in a couple of colour patterns and a perch depth raider. The Shallow Invader and Double Cowgirl JR were the lures that got strikes. May have had a 6th fish come out to play and 4th strike, but cannot confirm 100%. All I know is there has NEVER been a rock or other kind of impediment that far from the shoreline when my Shallow Invader stopped short not far from the boat on another spot near the end of the night.

    Fish came from mostly rock reef structres close to shore. A couple were on small rock points with sand nearby in one case and deeper coon-tail in the other case.

    Keep your rod tips down when those fish hit at boatside (or close to the surface in general) boys and girls. As much fun as it is having a fish go nuts on the surface, they will fall off more often than not if you don't get them back in the water and under control right quick like.

    All in all...was reasonably pleased with the action after a week of real tough cold front conditions (10 degree drop in water temps, heavy wind in changing directions, etc.) as well as not being out there for a couple of weeks.

    Water temps as high as 63..as low was 60.5 degrees.
    Justin Gaudry
    Mylie's Place Resort

    Lake of the Woods
    Morson, Ontario, Canada
    Website: http://www.myliesplaceresort.com
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/myliesplace
    YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/MyliesPlaceResort/feed
    Twitter: @MyliesPlaceJMan https://twitter.com/#!/MyliesPlaceJMan
    E-mail: jwgaudry@hotmail.com
    Toll Free Phone: 1-866-395-3449

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Labor Day report

    A little belated, but thought I would post a report from Labor Day weekend. We arrived on Friday and boated 2 fish on the first two spots we fished. The first being a 33", but the next was a fat 48.5". Of course, we then assume its going to be an awesome weekend. Over the rest of Friday, Sat and Sun we saw 4 other fish. My daughter had one hooked, but it thrashed a bit too much as it got close to the boat. Nothing she could do except lay the hooks in harder next time. Two others were hot, but just wouldn't eat. We did get a couple good size Northern (40" and 38"). Friday was a real comfortable day with moderate west wind and partly cloudy. Saturday was more work than play and the storms that went through two evenings in a row cut down on some of the time as well. More time to fish in October...and hopefully fewer bears (they have been "visiting" frequently in September).
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Rich 48-5 2011 09 02 5x7.jpg 
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ID:	14724   Click image for larger version. 

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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2010


    Got up to Morson Friday - Sunday. Weather was fantastic and so was the walleye fishing. Nearly all of our traditional Fall walleye spots we had time to fish held nice sized walleyes (20-26") and some great eaters. Jig and a minnow or grub from anywhere to 12 - 30'.

    We found crappies were sparatic. Couple here couple there. Fished up in Miles Bay and Hay Island. Our neighbor one day caught four in four hours and the next day his boat limited out.

    And finally . . . my son caught his first muskie while muskie fishing. He caught it Saturday afternoon in Burrows Bay on a Cowgirl. 43 incher. Of course, the boat we fished in "always" has a camera in it - except this trip. However, if you were within a 10 mile radius, you probably heard him! He had a smile from ear-to-ear.

    Hope to get back up in two weeks.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Sept. 21-25 Report

    Over due, but here goes.

    We had fair to good fishing while up there. The weather however was excellent to better than excellent. We caught our walleyes on deep breaks and in the current areas. Just jiggin. As for crappie fishing it depended on the hour. It seemed if you were there at the right hour it was fast and furious if not, it was one here one there. The muskies were hot to follow, but not as many takers for how many fish we saw. Great time of year to be up there. I just wish I was still there! Thanks for the ride Justin! I owe you one!

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