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Thread: Fox Chain 5-20-09

  1. #1

    Default Fox Chain 5-20-09

    Got out for the solo day of muskie fishing on the Chain as I am scheduled to work this Saturday. Picked a great/warm weather day Ended up boating a 41" on a Mepps Tandem Musky Killer; had a muskie "blow up" on a surface bait (this was a fairly decent sized swirl) and had 5 other follows for the day. Water temps everywhere I fished were in the low 60's now; weed growth great and continuing to improve everywhere even on the deeper breaks now. Clarity still very good all over. Fished Petite, Bluff, Marie and Channel before calling it around 3:30.
    Holiday weekend coming up so plan your outing accordingly due to the boat traffic. Could be interesting though as not many boats ready yet with many piers still being put in place. Weather could make this a fishermans holiday weekend to boot.
    Hope the weather forecast holds and I can get back out on Monday.
    Last edited by pgutmann; 05-22-2009 at 07:48 AM.
    Phil Gutmann

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