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Thread: The same fish twice?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default The same fish twice?

    Toothyfishman's rendition of how he caught the same fish reminded me of 2007, when I caught the same musky in back to back days on the same lure in the exact same spot. Both times I thought I had a monster walleye because the fish stayed deep and just shook its' head. It was about 35 inches long.

    I have caught the same (stupid or hungry) pike twice in the same day but never a musky 2x in the same day.

    Has anyone caught the same musky (or any other fish for that matter) in a short period of time?
    Last edited by Red Childress; 02-25-2009 at 09:03 AM.
    Allegheny Guide Service
    Red Childress

    E-mail - RedChildress@gmail.com
    Web Site: http://www.alleghenyguideservice.com

  2. #2


    My fishing partner and I caught the same fish at the same time while trolling crawler harnesses. I reeled the fish in, but he said he also had one on but thought it had gotten off. When i got the fish into the boat i noticed that we had both hooked the same fish, a 14 incher. Must have been a hungry little guy that day.

  3. #3


    There has been studies on this topic and they have caught the same musky the next year within 50 feet from the perious year . I have caught the same fish the very next day but not on the same bait but same spot to a tee. It was a 47 inch musky the first day I caught him on a topraider in close to shore by a log[ I could see him laying there. The very next day in the late afternoon the same general time I threw a topraider at him just to see what would happen? did not move at all.. I then put a reef hog on and tossed it ... the fish slamed it and I hooked him agian . I learned alot that day and I thank the fish for his input as stupid as that sound I did.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Tionesta, Pa.


    This may sound just like one of those fish stories but it's the honest to God truth !! My buddy Jack and i were fishing and he caught a 3 footer on a baby bass rap. It was hooked deeply in the side of the mouth and we had a tough time getting one of the trebles out. It left a very noticeable red mark in the mouth we noticed but was fine and swam away. 15 minutes later i had a hit and another 3 footer we thought BUT it was the same fish easily identified by the fresh small injury to his mouth so we knew it was the same fish. If that wasn't enough a half hour later Jack hooks into another musky and though it may sound unbelievable and still to this day Jack and i can't believe it but it was the same exact musky again with the mark on his side of the mouth. Same musky caught 3 times in an hour. If someone was to tell this story many wouldn't believe it but Jack and i know better and it will probably never happen again. This must have been one very hungry or stupid fish. It still amazes me just talking about it !!!! That fish hit the bass rap once and live shiners twice !! We caught this fish the end of October last year. I'll never forget that day and we still laugh about it. Hopefully it didn't hurt that fish catching it 3 times.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Fishing north west ontario with my father inlaw a couple of years back, he caught a nice pike and released it, at the same time i was reeling in, and the fish hit the red yarn trailer i tie on my spoons and then hit the spoon like crazy. Fishing up there is like no other.

  6. #6


    Red, I have not but.....

    I caught my biggest musky (52") in 2004 from Lake Nippissing. I released it and got a replica. It had 3 big, distinct scars on it's back up towards it's head. They were finger shaped...and I had Lax put them on the replica.

    Fast forward to 2007. Fishing the same reef and a big fish comes up right at the boat. She caught me with my pants down, and I tried a lame figure 8 but I was sort of handcuffed. The fish turned and swam towards the back of the boat where my brother was just pulling his Bobbie out of the water.

    We got a good look at this fish, and she had the same three scars on her back. Would have been pretty cool to catch her and compare measurements.

  7. #7


    Red that is awsome you had rick put the scares on it? man, good call I am sure it looks great! he does a great job and is a great guy . for the other story about the fish caught three times I would keep that lure and throw it for musky,Its a hot one

  8. #8


    my bad musky 52 I got the forums mixed it was directed for you about the scare

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Cool same fish twice

    This has happened to me twice. The first time I hooked a big, fat, 22" river brown trout on 4lb. line. I yanked so hard I broke the line. I caught him the very next cast with the broke off line and lure in one corner of his mouth and my other exact lure stuck in the other side of his mouth! Another time I was fishing a smallmouth tournament on the river. You were allowed live bait in it! I casted a shiner with my 4lb. mono onto a bed with a 4lb. 9oz. smallie laying on it. once again I yanked so hard I broke the line. I hurried and tied on another hook and grabbed a crayfish out of my bucket. I threw it on her bed and wham, she slammed it. She was worth $1750 for the lunker of the day prize and another $1000 for first place. It was a pretty good day!

    Last edited by muskie24/7; 02-28-2009 at 06:56 PM.

  10. #10


    I caught the same small pike 6 times in one evening up at High Point Lake.

    I know it was the same fish, because I forgot my hemostats and was fishing with live shiners, so each time I caught the dang thing I ended up leaving a hook in it (I was NOT sticking my fingers in the mouth, it was about a 26" fish so it had nice sized teeth).

    So each time I caught it, a new hook was added...by the time I caught him the 6th time, it was time call it quits.

    Dang thing looked like a porcupine. The funny thing is he kept going back to the same weed bed, and I moved him the 4th time I caught him 50 yards down shore.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Reading old threads to see what I can learn and brought this one back.

    Jan '08 trolling kayaks on lower allegheny and caught a 21" walleye with two light grey scars on its' back.
    20 minutes my buddy catches the the same fish on the same lure in a different color.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Fishing an area that had a very small cove, buddy along had fished it before with me and knew it was a good spot. It turned into a race to get the first cast for some reason???? lol.....He cuts across the cove and casts to the far side cutting me off as we drifted closer to it I cast over his line to the opposite side of the cove and start reeling. I hollard "here he comes" as I see a pike chasing his lure, I speed up my retrieve and end up crossing right behind his lure, like an "X". This pike was so wound up it nail both baits. We both had the fish on until it threw his lure and I ended up landing it. Very funny.

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