Hey Frank, how are things at Bay Store. I havn't talked to ya in a while. Lookin forward to the trip. I know it won't be the usual cast of characters, but we still intend on having a good time and catchin lots of fish. With three weeks and counting, I'm sure this will give you plenty of time to get camp ready for our little buddy. I've been lookin over my maps, and I seem to only have one place marked. I'm sure the weeds will be up and fish will be movin by the time we get there. I hope Operation Muskie yields some big girls for all the Vets this year, just make sure ya save a couple of em for us Flatlanders. Is Travis workin the love shack this year. Can't wait to see what he's done with the place. Hey, DP. I know ya'll read this. Since your a close neighbor of Frank's now , maybe you could stick around one night and dinner and a cocktail with us. Can't wait to get there, see ya soon.