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Thread: Maple Syrup Harvest, Frost

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Milwaukee area

    Wink Maple Syrup Harvest, Frost

    Wondering if some one could relate how the Maple Syrup Harvest went so far this year , good, bad, so, so. Also just wondering if the frost has gotten out of any of the roads yet, especially the Roddis Line. Surely would appreciate any information on that. . Thank you.

  2. #2

    Thumbs up Great syrup year

    From what I have heard from two big producers, it has been a great if not record year.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Milwaukee area


    Thank you, I am anxious to get a supply , nothing like it available in the stores. Just really very enjoyable. Camp 1 has a relative that makes Maple syrup and so we will have to visit Dale for more than 1 reason. Up to the lips over the gum's , watch out stomach here she comes.

  4. #4


    Every producer I talked to said the same thing as NorthwoodsConnection. There was a long period of perfect maple syrup weather, nights below freezing and days in the 40s and even 50s. Also, the woods was relatively dry, so they could get around with their equipment easily. Some had so much sap it spoiled before they could boil it down since they did not have enough evaporatoring capacity.

    Now with the rains that are falling, we might even get enough to fill up the flowages.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Road limits off in oneida County last Fri., usually seems like when the lakes are thawed, so is the frost and the road limits come off. I haven't heard anything to the north. By the way, can't wait to have my pancakes with the fresh maple syrup from a friend of mine!!!


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