I do catch more on small baits. Bass sized spinnerbaits work well in the chartruse/green skirt color. Small bucktails also work well. I have caught about seven or eight mid forty inch tigers on topwater but for the most part I wouldn't throw topwater specifically to catch tigers. If I had my druthers I'd pick a small green bladed bucktail or spinnerbait with chartruse body.

Here is what we have caught the bigger tigers on and the size of the fish:

47 1/2" Sucker
45" sucker
45" sucker
45" sucker
45" Pacemaker
45" Undertaker
45" Ghosttail
45" Ghosttial
45" Ghosttail
45" Ghosttail
44 1/2" Pacemaker
44 1/2" Ghosttail
44 1/2" Ghosttail
44" Pacemaker
44" baby bucktail

As you can see the tigers on the Chip don't get much bigger than 45 inches. I'm sure there were several others that I forgot but these are off the top of my head from the last few years.