Our weather in St. Joseph, Mo., just can't seem to make up its mind whether its winter or spring. Last Wednesday, people were playing golf on a 67 degree day. Yesterday, we received 5-6" of snow, had an overnight low of 9, and a high today of under 20. The forecast is for temps in the low 60s by Wednesday or Thursday. With crazy weather like that, what does a guy's mind turn to but wondering when the ice will be gone from Witch Bay?

With the prelude out of the way, let's get right with the program - Ice Out, 2009 style. The rules are really simple: reply to this thread with your guess of the date and time of day, like April 7th, 3:27 a.m. The person with the guess that is closest to the date and time of the actual ice out, as determined by Gail, wins.

Don't be shy; give it a try. Guesses must be received by midnight April 15 as logged by this message board system. To avoid any confusion, that cutoff date and time are irrefutable, irrevocable, unequivocable or any other -able you can think of. (Did I just dangle my participle?) Good luck to one and all.