Still here? You were gone? You mean you missed those brilliant flashes of insight into the world of muskie fishing that I have shared with the world on this board? Well of all the.....

Okay then, guess I'll just have to start over. Let's long have you been gone Ice....never mind, don't worry, I'll go way back several years just to be safe....

August 23, 1985 "Okay guys, I've got this weird wicked idea that muskies may like these big giant bucktails with huge blades that are ridiculous to reel in. I'm thinking of calling them BIG WHIRLEE BIRDIES....what do you guys think? Yeah, your right, it's a pretty stupid idea, what was I thinking. That's right up there with the comment I made last week that mullets would be out of style in 5 years. No way was I thinking clearly there."

April 4, 1987 "Hey guys, wouldn't it be cool if we could somehow connect all our commodore 64's together and then we could type messages to each other about fishing and stuff. That would be cool wouldn't it? And we could even maybe sell our lures and stuff in an auction type format to each other. I think I would probably call it the interdanet... Get it? Cause that's what I'm always tellin da muskies...."get inter da net" dum bump....Anyway, awesome idea, but obviously wouldn't work, what with all the wires and tubes that would be involved."

January 11, 1989 "Hey guys, I've been thinking of a really solid idea....what if we could take a video camera and put it on a rope and video tape fish UNDER THE beans huh....we could even somehow tape it on the beta machine even and watch it at home! Maybe not as cool as watching Top Gun for the 72nd time again, but it's hard to beat Maverick taking out them migs! "

June 14, 1994 "Hey guys, I think there is some pretty good fishing in this lake called Webster, but hey, keep it to yourselves, I think we could have a good run here, but the fish will probably run out after a while."

Well, that's enough for now, but I'll get you up to speed in no time Mike. Obviously, you probably have a lot you need to catch up on. But that's what we're here for, aren't we?


P.S. Seriously though, the mullet was cool, I think I'm gonna grow mine back starting now.