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Thread: Field & Stream

  1. #1

    Default Field & Stream

    Hey Red, I finally got around to flipping through the March issue and there was someone claiming to be you in it! lol

    The article reminds me, do you have any contact info for Lee Snyder? Or even know if he's going to be at any shows selling lures? I bought a giant
    black/flo-orange spinnerbait off him last year at a small fishing show outside of York. I didn't take that thing off my rod until it lost it's main blade to the depths of Lake Nippissing. I'd also like to get a few different colored spinnerbaits as well.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008



    I have all of Lee's contact info at school........I will get it to you on Monday, if my daughter is out of the hospital by then. She was admitted today with a staph infection in her leg.

    Lee should have his web site up and running soon.

    I have not had a chance to see the article yet. Did it turn out OK??
    Allegheny Guide Service
    Red Childress

    E-mail - RedChildress@gmail.com
    Web Site: http://www.alleghenyguideservice.com

  3. #3

    Thumbs up

    Red, sorry to hear about your daughter. I hope it all turns out well.

    The article was good, yet pretty generic. It listed some guides and their top lures, but didn't give too many details. It plugged you and the website though!


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Thanks, Tony.

    I am heading back to the hospital right now. She should get discharged this afternoon as long as the streaking is gone and her lymph nodes are back to normal.
    Allegheny Guide Service
    Red Childress

    E-mail - RedChildress@gmail.com
    Web Site: http://www.alleghenyguideservice.com

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Red, Sorry to hear about your daughter. I hope she is getting better. Hopefully she will be home tonight.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Thanks, Joe.

    Since the culture finally grew in the lab and they determined it was a lesser resistent strain of staph, she is home and on oral antibiotics.

    She went swimming at a pool near Cabela's last weekend and scratched her foot on the concrete.....no big deal..... so on Wednesday, she said her sneaker was rubbing the very small scrape so the school nurse put a band-aid on it with some bacitracin. Thursday nite, it looked like a golf ball sized pus bubble with streaking up her leg with a painful groin from swollen lymph nodes. That is when the light bulb went off so I got her to the hospital Friday. Another day or two and this could have been an ugly situation.

    These new strains of staph and mersa (sp??) really grow quickly and are highly contagious. Today is "house decontamination" day.

    If you guys have kids, beware of unsterile locker room/pool areas. This crap thrives in those environments!!

    Anyway, spring fishing is just around the corner.
    Allegheny Guide Service
    Red Childress

    E-mail - RedChildress@gmail.com
    Web Site: http://www.alleghenyguideservice.com

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008



    Here is Lee's contact info:


    Be sure to speak loudly because he is no spring chicken anymore.
    Allegheny Guide Service
    Red Childress

    E-mail - RedChildress@gmail.com
    Web Site: http://www.alleghenyguideservice.com

  8. #8


    First, glad to hear everything is okay with your daughter!

    Second, thanks for the info on Lee. I hear ya' on the spring chicken. What a nice guy though! I could sit around all day listening to his stories. In the short time I got to spend with him at the little fishing flea market, I found out quickly that he and his wife are good people!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Tionesta, Pa.


    Wow Red hope your daughter kicks that out of her system quickly. You just never know these days about things. Kudos for quick thinking and getting her to the doc fast. Hope she has a speedy recovery.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Thanks, guys. When you live in an over-medicated society, these infections can be really hard to treat sometimes.
    Allegheny Guide Service
    Red Childress

    E-mail - RedChildress@gmail.com
    Web Site: http://www.alleghenyguideservice.com

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2008


    I ended up with a staph infection a few years back in Canada. I spent my week on St Clair and my hands were so torn up by the end of the week from handling every single fish that was released out of my boat. As soon as I got home I spent some time in the hospital on IV's. I couldn't leave fishing early to get checked out, so it was pretty bad by the time I went home. I could feel it in the whole half of my body on the drive home. Now I very rarely handle muskies without a boga. Also had a finger snapped in half taking a muskie out of the net at ST Clair two years ago. Dangerous stuff.

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