I was disappointed. Thorne's barely brought any muskie stuff, the lady at the counter said it didn't sell very good last year. They only had a couple new things, and if you wanted to buy a spool of line, it was Tuf Line XP or nothing. The most useful thing I got from the show was the big bottle of Mend It. To those who haven't heard about this stuff it's for repairing plastic baits. It is not a glue, it causes some kind of chemical reaction that melts the plastic back together. No crusty spots and it will not rip in that spot again. I just spent an hour fixing all the tears in my bulldawgs and I'll NEVER use super glue again. This stuff is worth it's weight in gold for fixing plastics! It's not quite as fast as super glue, but it doesn't get crusty, and once it sets, you can hardly tell where the cut was. Everyone needs to try this stuff. I'm not much for glowing reviews, but this stuff is THAT good....