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Thread: leaders

  1. #1

    Default leaders

    when is the time to use wire over fluro or mono. im assuming that it has to deal with water clarity and the structure that is being fished.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Back home now with a sick kid...............

    I will give you my opinion and the opinion from many other guides.....Most times the type of leader material will not matter. I think one of the main reasons fluoro is used is because of the non-damaging material when compared to wire. When the musky rolls up the line, the wire is more likely to cut the fish. From a stealthy standpoint, some guys have noticed an increase in their catches (in clear water) by using fluoro. When you get into the 130 and 200# category of fluoro, those thicknesses will take away from the action of smaller baits. What I am trying to say is, there is no single pound test that will work for all baits in all seasons. Matching the diameter to the size bait you are running will make a HUGE difference in the action of your bait. We have lost 1 BIG fish on 80# test fluoro but the fish landed on the leader after the 3rd jump, plus the drag was super tight.

    For me, it is a confidence thing. If they all can catch fish but one is safer (and invisible) for the fish, why not just go with the fluoro?

    You can make your own fluoro leaders for a fraction of the cost too. I use fluoro for trout and walleye in low water/sunny conditions. The 13lb.(and 9lb) walleye my client caught on the same day in 2000 was on fluoro in low water....

    Hopefully, you get more feedback than just mine.
    Last edited by Red Childress; 02-10-2009 at 02:45 PM.
    Allegheny Guide Service
    Red Childress

    E-mail - RedChildress@gmail.com
    Web Site: http://www.alleghenyguideservice.com

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    The Burgh


    I use Fluoro for most all applications except for a limited few, which are WTD topwaters or certain glidebaits. Only because with fluoro these baits tend to swing around and get fouled up easier.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Try the 200#...........works great with WTD/Glide baits.
    Allegheny Guide Service
    Red Childress

    E-mail - RedChildress@gmail.com
    Web Site: http://www.alleghenyguideservice.com

  5. #5


    I always use titaium leaders or stran for top water with a split ring .Flouro and any other type of leader including titaium is bound to hurt the fish in specific instantes. I agree though about flouro and top water .I often though find my self sticking to titaium even though it is a crimped leader .What ever the leader I almost always use a split ring,had to many close calls with fish getting the snap undone .I would have not believed it but it has happend 2 times and both fish 46 48 inches,and the 46 was a new angler. HB

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Gaithersburg, Maryland


    I realize this is an old post, but I thought I would respond to it.

    Some "toothycritter" fishermen will use flouro when they cast and wire when they troll. The difference?

    Casting with flouro: the theory is that the fish are more leader-shy and will see wire and it will cost you strikes. Fishermen I know that use flouro use about 80# leaders. Most people that cast for Muskies do use some sort of a leader.

    Trolling: the theory being that the fish don't get a chance to see the leader. Thus, it doesn't matter. Many trollers don't use a leader at all and claim to have never lost a fish due to the line being cut. They claim the fish don't swallow the lure or "roll in the leader" to cut it.

    Personally, I use a leader regardless.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Beaver Falls, PA


    Quote Originally Posted by HBmusky View Post
    I always use titaium leaders or stran for top water with a split ring .Flouro and any other type of leader including titaium is bound to hurt the fish in specific instantes. I agree though about flouro and top water .I often though find my self sticking to titaium even though it is a crimped leader .What ever the leader I almost always use a split ring,had to many close calls with fish getting the snap undone .I would have not believed it but it has happend 2 times and both fish 46 48 inches,and the 46 was a new angler. HB
    Herb, did you ever have any trouble with the titanium slipping out of the crimp.

  8. #8


    I never yet had one slip.Being that I preached tied leaders and always said do not put your faith in a crimped one .I have tried to impose them thoughts onto titanium with no luck . example ; I snaged one day good hard snag I was not haveing a good day. I riped and pulled and jerked with bad intenctions, I have been known to be hard on equipment in the past or just snap a lure off with no regret. So you can picture it right. Here was the equipment I had 7'2 Esox Rod ,heavy, 65 lb braid spider wire 50 lb terminator titanium leader with split ring instead of clasp.I pulled intill hooks bent and came loose.I pulled the boat almost to it, The leader crimp never failed exept I snaped a single stran of titanium leaving the leader no good in my mind.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Gaithersburg, Maryland


    Titanium leaders: for a while I was lucky enough to be receiving free titanium leaders from Terminator. I used them (I guess you could say I was a "tester") and gave them away to others (I had my own website for quite a while) and in return, we were expected to give feedback to the company.

    The components of these leaders were quite good (I love titanium because it stays straight) and did change (usually the snaps) from time to time. Never had a bad response from anyone about these leaders or the crimps coming apart. However, some people think that these leaders will last forever. That is not the case. Even the company rep. that provided me with them advised me that he thought that some people had a tendancy to use them a little too long without replacing a snap or a swivel. Although a quality piece of equipment, you still have to keep an eye on them to avoid failure at the worst possible moment. Expensive, but very good leaders.
    Last edited by Muskiekid; 02-18-2009 at 07:18 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default Line!

    Hey Guys, Do you ever use Fluorocarbon or Mono on your reel instead of Braided lines? I have heard of guys that do this and was just wondering if you thought it may be an advantage to fishing clear water! I'm the kind of guy who thinks that if a muskie wants it, nothing will stop him from eating it! One exception to this is seeing the boat and fishermen! "Personally", I really don't believe that the color of the hooks, leader material, or even the color of the lure has as much to do with it as the action and presentation does!(90% of the time) This is just my opinion! Please let me know how the rest of you stand on this!

    Thanks, Brian

  11. #11


    I havew not had one fail as of yet. I always say do not put your faith in crimp leader.I tried to imply that to titanium . example I was haveing a bad day and I got snaged good .I jerked pulled you name it .pissed off] The equipment was ; 7'2 Esox Rod,garcia c4 65lbspider wire 50lb terminator titanium leader with a split ring instead of clasp. I have been known to push the limits of equipment a little at times. I even pulled the boat . The hooks bent and came loose ,the crimp was fine the only thing was that I broke a single stran of titanium wich forced me to change leaders. but to my surprise It did not slip the crimp .

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    I will tell you that since I have been using braid the past 10 years or so, I have lost (and clients) many, many more fish compared to the copolymer I was using. All those pain in the arse "short strikers" were always caught with non-braided line because it stretched. The practicality of braided line is worth it. Losing lures every outing is a thing of the past. Can you imagine spooling up with 80lb. mono? The reel would have to be the size of a canteloupe.

    The muskies do not mind if there is braid in the water. I feel more comfortable with the fluoro leaders but just think about all the muskies caught on jerkbaits over the years using those thick solid steel leaders. Their tunnel vision is more intense than Michael Jordan ever had!
    Allegheny Guide Service
    Red Childress

    E-mail - RedChildress@gmail.com
    Web Site: http://www.alleghenyguideservice.com

  13. #13


    Jerk bait leader I have used i recall bucktail wire 6 inch long twisted with a split ring and big square barrel old swivel .It was my favorite leader at the time and used it for everything bucktails jerk baits divers,never took it off only to cut a foot off of line that was damaged. It worked fine reliable and I caught fish . It worked very well with reff hogs I think thats were I started with it. A friend looked at it tom dietz and said holly crap beefy leader you caught them on that ,yes sir I made it too his reply was they do not know what a leader is anyway.. That was a long time ago that leader got lost somehow probly on a snag . I just might make a couple of more ... it matter of what makes you feel confedent in my case at the time it was that I made it . I am not bies to any of them continue to test them and the body lagange of the fish to determine thought of mine HB

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