Yeah, I'm all for waiting too, it's hard to tell what is going to happen with the weather and what not. Hopefully a day that works for most everyone will be available. As far as other tourneys events go, I'm not worried about those. Seems like so many tournaments go on anymore that you can't miss hitting one at any time of the year, so if we have to share, then we can share, or we can move to another body of water. Most of us are flexible I think. Someone can give Rawfish a spot I hope, too.

Look at the randmeister, Mr. record setting fish catcher! He's all ready to go now that he's got major muskie game! I however, am certain I will remain fishless on this icebreaker, much like all my other icebreakers, but that's okay, I'd rather observe the goings on amongst you numbnuts than catch a fish, at least, that's my quote for the record. I just don't want to have anybody bring their dogs and then run around crying because they ran away and are never coming back this year, lol.

But of course, Ronski will still be the greatest, I'd imagine.