I want to wish everybody out there a very Happy New Year, tight lines and big fish to all.

This week has been a week of shuffling shacks around, getting set up for the next couple months of walleye and panfish.

We're looking at some crust conditions out there, nothing horrendous yet... depends on snowfall. You guys down south have been taking the hits with snow lately and that's kept our ice conditions very tolerable to this point. A good general ice depth on our area lakes would be 8-14 inches. More on some... less on others. Some frigid weather tonight should help make more ice and firm up any crust layers.

I've just been doing the basic tip-up/walleye thing lately but have some crappie plans in the works with some buddies from Rhinelander... that should be a hoot... especially with these guys.

Again... hope everyone had a great Holiday Season. Tune in Sunday... maybe we'll do a year past wrap up... saw some amazing things this past year.