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Thread: 8th Wonder of the World.......

  1. #1

    Default 8th Wonder of the World.......

    Move over Erie Canal. Take a hike Suez and Panama Canals. Hoover Dam? Nothing to it. Converting the barge from a floating dock...................PRICELESS!!!!!!!

    Not really. There was a price......

    Walsh's Bay Store Camp
    Frank Walsh

    Web Site: http://www.baystorecamp.com

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Wow! Major engineering!. How do you bang those big posts into that Canadian Shield? Do you have to drill first?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Mud Tim,mud.I spent a few hours mesmerized by the project.Done in one day!!!Long day but......amazing.Lots of the fabricating done before but the welding,banging etc in one day by 3 guys and a lady.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008


    I should add the question of the day after looking at the You Tube vids 4,5 and 6.
    When and under what circumstances does Frankie smoke a cigar?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008


    I hope he'll be puffing away today when his first 50 of the season hits the net.

  6. #6


    Looks like you attacked a problem and resolved it. Watching the other video on Youtube cleared up how they drove those pipes in. Can not wait to see it in a few weeks.

  7. #7


    Don't know why I pissed away all that money on hiring the barge and backhoe to drive the pilings. All I had to do is wait for the Flatlanders to get here. Music supplied courtesy of Jack Pertz:


    Now, let's analyze the Engineering here:

    6 men x 180 lbs = 1080 lbs static force.
    Jumping up and down will create a 3 times dynamic effect = 3240 lbs/jump = 1.6 ton thumps if the pile is tapered to 2 in x 2 in, cross section at the tip = 4 sq. in. So, dynamic pressure/thump at pile tip = 3240/4 = 800 psi.

    "Add a man" (Jeff Blanck)feature will increase to 950 psi, so buy the option!
    Increase the chant and dynamic force goes up to 5 times to bring max. pressure thump to 1600 psi for a 7 man team. Quite good, and will penetrate hard clay and sandy soil (but not hard or rocky ground!) Pretty ingenious. Oh, the foreman ( Jack Pertz)is the guy on the tambourine.
    Walsh's Bay Store Camp
    Frank Walsh

    Web Site: http://www.baystorecamp.com

  8. #8


    Wow, based on your calculations and the rhythm of the music I think we could have done it. Man you wasted a ton of money !!!

  9. #9


    Agree. Does not even take into account the hysteresis value of the mud and hardpan the pipes are being driven into.

    I'll bet Ruhmann knew this was coming.......................
    Walsh's Bay Store Camp
    Frank Walsh

    Web Site: http://www.baystorecamp.com

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