It was a pretty bleak opener in Vilas County. Very few people out and about, and lots of ice. Lots of local businesses expect a good opener to start the year off, well Mother Nature didn't get the memo.

The Wisconsin River was the most targeted place to fish. Mixed reports of success, from good to horrible, was reported to me. I fished it Saturday and we got 7 keeper fish on jig/fatheads and 1 on Gulp!. Sunday we headed over to the Flowage and caught mostly small males(rock hard) and 1 female(rock hard). I heard of one lake that opened up, but other than that, lots of lakes on the verge. I would say that by Wednesday we'll have several options to fish, and double that by the weekend. The largest lakes probably won't be out by the weekend(Trout, Twin, etc).

The spawn will happen very quickly once the ice goes off, so that's a good thing. Walleyes WILL NOT spawn under the quote from every fish Biologists that I know.

Basically Mother's Day weekend will be the Vilas County opener....come on up and catch some fish!!

Good Luck!